Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
You can track your order by logging into your OUENZE.COM account and navigating to “My Orders.” Each order will have a tracking link for real-time updates. You’ll also receive tracking information via email or SMS as soon as your order ships.
To cancel or edit an order, please contact our Customer Service team as soon as possible after placing your order:
Please note that once an order has been processed or shipped, we may not be able to modify or cancel it.
Orders may be canceled for various reasons, including payment issues, inventory shortages, or incorrect information provided at checkout. You will receive an email explaining the reason for cancellation. For further questions, please reach out to our Customer Service team.
If part of your order is missing, please check your order confirmation in “My Orders” as some items may ship separately. If you confirm items are missing, contact Customer Support within 7 days:
If you encounter any issues—such as damaged items, incorrect products, or missing parts—please contact our Customer Service team within 7 days of receiving your order. We’ll work with you to resolve the issue quickly.
To request a return label, log in to your account and go to “My Orders” to start a return request. Alternatively, contact our Customer Support team, and we’ll assist you in generating a return label based on our return policy.
To reset your password, go to the login page and click “Forgot Password.” Follow the instructions sent to your email to reset it securely.
Log in to your account, navigate to “Account Settings,” and select “Change Password.” Enter your current password, then create a new one.
If you’d like to cancel your account, please contact our Customer Service team. We’re here to help with any concerns you may have.
If your order qualifies for free shipping, this will automatically apply at checkout. You can also find free shipping information in your cart.
Log into your account and navigate to “My Orders” to track your package in real time. Contact Customer Service if you have further questions.
Enter your postcode at checkout to check delivery availability in your area.
If you’re a seller, you’ll receive payments based on the schedule and method agreed upon when setting up your seller account. For more details, contact Seller Support.
Notifications are sent to keep you updated on order status, promotions, and account activity. You can manage your notification preferences in “Account Settings.”
If you need additional information, feel free to browse our FAQ or contact Customer Service.
For store locations and hours, visit our Store Locator page.
The Seller Feedback Rating is a measure of customer satisfaction based on reviews and ratings given by customers. It helps customers make informed decisions when shopping.
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